17 research outputs found

    Cascading Failures in Interdependent Infrastructures: An Interdependent Markov-Chain Approach

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    Many critical infrastructures are interdependent networks in which the behavior of one network impacts those of the others. Despite the fact that interdependencies are essential for the operation of critical infrastructures, such interdependencies can negatively affect the reliability and fuel the cascade of failures within and across the networks. In this paper, a novel interdependent Markov-chain framework is proposed that enables capturing interdependencies between two critical infrastructures with the ultimate goal of predicting their resilience to cascading failures and characterizing the effects of interdependencies on system reliability. The framework is sufficiently general to model cascading failures in any interdependent networks; however, this paper focuses on the electric-cyber infrastructure as an example. Using this framework it is shown that interdependencies among reliable systems, i.e., systems with exponentially distributed failure sizes, can make the individually reliable systems behave unreliably as a whole with power-law failure-size distributions

    Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (SC-SAHEL) optimization framework

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    Simplicity and flexibility of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms have attracted lots of attention in the field of optimization. Different optimization methods, however, hold algorithm-specific strengths and limitations, and selecting the best-performing algorithm for a specific problem is a tedious task. We introduce a new hybrid optimization framework, entitled Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (SC-SAHEL), which combines the strengths of different evolutionary algorithms (EAs) in a parallel computing scheme. SC-SAHEL explores performance of different EAs, such as the capability to escape local attractions, speed, convergence, etc., during population evolution as each individual EA suits differently to various response surfaces. The SC-SAHEL algorithm is benchmarked over 29 conceptual test functions, and a real-world hydropower reservoir model case study. Results show that the hybrid SC-SAHEL algorithm is rigorous and effective in finding global optimum for a majority of test cases, and that it is computationally efficient in comparison to algorithms with individual EA

    Stochastic Analysis of Cascading-Failure Dynamics in Power Grids

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    A scalable and analytically tractable probabilistic model for the cascading failure dynamics in power grids is constructed while retaining key physical attributes and operating characteristics of the power grid. The approach is based upon extracting a reduced abstraction of large-scale power grids using a small number of aggregate state variables while modeling the system dynamics using a continuous-time Markov chain. The aggregate state variables represent critical power-grid attributes, which have been shown, from prior simulation-based and historical-data-based analysis, to strongly influence the cascading behavior. The transition rates among states are formulated in terms of certain parameters that capture grid\u27s operating characteristics comprising loading level, error in transmission-capacity estimation, and constraints in performing load shedding. The model allows the prediction of the evolution of blackout probability in time. Moreover, the asymptotic analysis of the blackout probability enables the calculation of the probability mass function of the blackout size. A key benefit of the model is that it enables the characterization of the severity of cascading failures in terms of the operating characteristics of the power grid.

    Efficient Interconnectivity Among Networks Under Security Constraint

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    Interconnectivity among networks is essential for enhancing communication capabilities of networks such as the expansion of geographical range, higher data rate, etc. However, interconnections may initiate vulnerability (e.g., cyber attacks) to a secure network due to introducing gateways and opportunities for security attacks such as malware, which may propagate from the less secure network. In this paper, the interconnectivity among subnetworks is maximized under the constraint of security risk. The dynamics of propagation of security risk is modeled by the evil-rain influence model and the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) epidemic model. Through extensive numerical simulations using different network topologies and interconnection patterns, it is shown that the efficiency of interconnectivity increases nonlinearly and vulnerability increases linearly with the number of interconnections among subnetworks. Finally, parametric models are proposed to find the number of interconnections for any given efficiency of interconnectivity and vulnerability of the secure network

    On the Dynamics of Transmission Capacity and Load Loss during Cascading Failures in Power Grids

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    In this paper, a novel analytical model is proposed to predict the average transmission-capacity loss and load loss during a cascading failure as a function of time and their steady state values. Cascading failures in the power grid are described using a Markov-chain approach, in which the state transition probabilities depend on the number and capacities of the failed lines. The transition matrix is characterized parametrically using Monte Carlo simulations of cascading failures in the power grid. The severity of cascading failure is estimated using two metrics: the expected number of transmission-line failures and the amount of load shedding/load loss (inferred from the average transmission capacity loss) in the steady state. These two metrics provide critical information regarding the severity of a cascading failure in a power grid (in terms of both the distribution of blackout sizes and the amounts of load shedding). One of the benefits of this model is that it enables the understanding of the effect of initial failures and of the operating parameters of the power grid on cascading failures